Be on guard. Stand tru to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13.
Is God a part of your dating life? Hopefully so. If you sincerely want to know God, then you should date people who feel the same way. If you're still searching for Mr. or Mrs. RIght (while trying to avoid falling in love with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong), be patient, be prudent, and be picky. Look for someone whose values you respect, whose behavior you approve of and whose faith you admire. Remember that appearances can be deceiving and tempting, so watch your step. And when it comes to the important task of building a lifetime relationship with the guy or girl of your dreams, pray about it! IF you happen to be one of those very lucky ones who has already fallen madly in love with the same wonderful person who has (praise the Lord!) already fallen madly in love with you, say a great big thanks to the Matchmaker in heaven. But if you haven't yet found a soul-mate who honors both you and God, don't fret. Just keep trusting your Father in heaven, and keep yourself open to the direction in which He is leading you. And remember: When it comes to your dating life, God want to give His approval - or not - but He won't give it until He's asked. So ask, listen, and decide accordingly.
The Bible says:
Teach me Your way, Oh Lord; I will walk in Your truth. Psalm 86:11
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3
My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments. Proverbs 3:1
Great Thoughts:
As the first community to which a person is attached and the first authority under which a person learns to live, the family established society's most basic values.~Charles Colson
Sadly, family problems and even financial problems are seldom the real problem, but often the symptom of a weak or nonexistent value system.~Dave Ramsey
Summary: Look beyond appearances: Judging other people solely by appearance is tempting, but it's foolish, shortsighted, immature and ultimately destructive. So don't do it.
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