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- Shantz Marie
- My name is Shantell Marie Arnold. I am very loyal to my friends and I try my best to help them out in anyway I can. My hobbies include playing volleyball, sewing, cooking, eating, swimming, biking, hiking and writing poetry. If you would like to read some of my poems, just let me know and I will be more than happy to upload some.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Senseless murder of Raylene Dyer
First it was Neisa, now Raylene. The only difference is that Raylene was killed for her own child! Those murderers don't have a heart! THREE MONTH OLD baby left without a mother?! What is up with the people of this country? Young and vibrant teenageres are being killed for no apparent reason! Doesn't that scare you? My fellow Pallottines, we've lost yet another sister, let us pray that we don't lose another. All you teenagers out ther, especially females, we need to be very careful with the people we trust and associate with and we need to try our best to avoid "sticky" situations. It's a pity that her life had to end so soon. R.I.P Raylene, you will be sadly missed chica...
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You are very right Shanz...it seems that one by one some sensless being wants to hurt us Pallotine sisters...Females in a whole especially our highschool which seems a target must ensure to make right choices when entrusting someone unknown...Raylene and Neisa both young who havent experience the world...both ruthlessly killed for unreasonable reasons...we will surely miss them both...R.I.P Ray...both good friends of mine..full of life..full of hope...We surely be sadly missed...and i got to agree with you we should pray together so we dont loose another...Amen!
ReplyDeleteThis is soo true...its scary and its sad for the children that is left with no parent. This makes our country Belize, look bad...We must stop this crime
ReplyDeleteHmm soo sad tight pics and everything :p U wa find me pan this blog more than how u update it :D XD
ReplyDeleteAnonymous I agree with you whoever you are :P... but seriously =_= belize is getting worse and worse... I believe lack of education and too MUCH BASHMENT AND CURSING most people the first word they usually teach their kids is the F WORD BELIZEAN GROW THE x*&^% UP!!!!!!(hypocrite)
ReplyDeleteSenseless killings! The citizens of Belize need to come together! Only then, will criminals start to realize that we are tired of having to live in fear! It is sad that another teen is gone leaving behind a child! R.I.P
ReplyDeleteI agree with the person who commented above me and extend my condolonces to the family, friends and people that knew her in general. Her death was untimely and senseless and leaves a child without her mother. This is beyond sad, it's both heartbreaking and terrifying. I don't think this can be blamed by the waning numbers of educated people or the government (or whomever/whatever else we typically choose to foist the blame on). This type of perversion and lack of regard for life is solely thanks to the person - not even the manner in which he/she was raised, for one can always go against that. People are begining to degenerate mentally and emotionally. Plain and simple. And scary as hell. God be with the family and all of you. We need Him to be....
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that we have to come down to this. Neisa, then Raylene! Thats just cruel! It does let you fear your own life whenever you go out or even if you are in your own home! We have to make a bigger change than before, and i agree with you shan, about being careful of who you are hanging around with. I do send my condolences to the family, and pray for best. R.I.P Raylene! God is Love.
ReplyDeleteBelize is really becoming a dangerous place to live. The crime rate is increasing everyday. We need to unite.So sad mein.
ReplyDeleteIts really sad how our country is getting...that girls was a personal friend of mine. I remember seeing her before she died with her baby pushing her in a prom. That lil baby looked so clean and amazing. She was red and fat and like any other baby she was smiling. They look Raylene's life innocently and those people should be punished with the full extent of the law....im starting to actually hate this country of ous....we as Belizeans need to put dwn our foot beacause next time it might jus b one of us........lets take a stand!!!!
ReplyDeleteso very true. multiple murders n no justice. killed for her own child? wat kinda nonsense is that? then ppl always be talking bull**** bout how we need to come together as one ppl n work to stop the crime n tlk if we knw anything but damn....
ReplyDeleteif they knw stuff they dont talk so why should we? n they turn a blind eye if the crimes dont affect them directly so why shouldnt we?
idk mein... u knw i wa got d police dept back caz i knw how they work their A**es off but its not all on them. we as a people need to do our part.
i hope the crime situation gets better mein.
wat's going on with Bze? where did all the unity and luv go???
i know the people of this country r getting on mt last nerves. it is so sad to see the families wanting to take justice into their own hands. the justice system is useless. you could kill and just roam the streets a free man. men re spending 5-10 yrs for stealing chicken but for takings someones life nothing comes of it. this is just really pothedic
ReplyDeleteWhat a very bad minded act. And i thought our country couldn't get any sicker. That's why sometimes i think making new friends is not necessary. You don't know who to trust. We are prisoners around people we call friends. We don't only need to sleep with one of our eyes open, we neeed both of them open. Just meet her September and by October you're died... Gosh!!! So cold!!!
ReplyDeleteOur city is turning into a war zone...
This is jus sad.
Volleyball Chica
our jewel is bleeding and it breaks my heart...our young people are being killed senselessly and it seems that our young women are th target of choice right now. It saddens me to see these families left behind engulfed in grief from the lost of their lovd ones all becuase of something done by a senseless idiot out of stupidity and ignorance. young women heed my advice...be careful who you trust and associate yourselves with...you never know who they really are... sleep with your own eyes and and try not to be placed in compromising positions.
I agree completely Shants..... I really can't even begin to fathom what those girls went through at the time of their deaths. I knew Neisa personally. On days when her mother didn't take her to school i would take the bus with her and walk down the blvd until she reached Pallotti and I EPYHS. Even when I graduated and came to SJC I was so accustomed to seeing her when I came home from my night classes. I was so disturbed by this esp bcs of the fact that she lives around the corner from me.
ReplyDeleteNow with in the case of Raylene Dyer; how can you even think thats its alright to separate a mother from her child. That's just twisted and messed up in so many ways. But know that whomever hurt those 2 girls have their own payback coming their way. I'm just saying.........