About Me

- Shantz Marie
- My name is Shantell Marie Arnold. I am very loyal to my friends and I try my best to help them out in anyway I can. My hobbies include playing volleyball, sewing, cooking, eating, swimming, biking, hiking and writing poetry. If you would like to read some of my poems, just let me know and I will be more than happy to upload some.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
TTFN (ta ta for now)
Hey everyone, as you may or may not know, this is my final post before my blog gets graded. Therefore, I am saying good by for now. I might come back sometime in the future if I have the time. However, before I go, I would like to get your final comments on my blog. Was it interesting to you? What topics stood out the most? Should I continue blogging? Just give me a brief summary of what you feel about my blog... Thanks again to all those who commented and thanks to my followers as well. See you all later :-D
Monday, December 6, 2010
I am so tired!!! Estoy muy cansada!!! Hehe... I got back in yesterday morning around 10am and fell asleep as I got home. Mom woke me up to eat lunch but it was Rice and Beans and I didn't want that because we had rice for lunch and dinner every day while in Panama so I went back to sleep. I don't know how long after but mom woke me up again and this time it was mashed potato with baked fish so I ate and fell back to sleep. The next time my eyes opened, it was time to get ready for school. School today was rather slow but because I'm still tired from my trip, I felt like it took forever. I have a lot of catching up to do by the way so I'll end here. Bye for now...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Yesterday we played against HONDURAS and won the first set. However, we lost the next 3 sets which was quite upsetting to see because we beat them by far in the first set and the tables turned in the 2nd set but we got back grip in the 3rd but couldn´t hold on long enought. Today, we play against EL SALVADOR, I´ll personally try my best as yesterday, I was on my A-game... Wish us luck :-D
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
November 30, 2010, we played against COSTA RICA and let me tell you, we fought hard!!! No, we didn't win but we improved since the last time we were here in April so I'm proud of my team... That team can PLAY!!! The ball is set and by the time you blink, if you nuh get tag, di ball drop ina 10 FOOT!!! IF YOU BLINK, YOU MISS IT!!! I get bran pan my knee and fudge!!! Thank God mi poor knee neva broke!!! Hehe... That is to tell you how hard they were hitting!!! Anyway, yesterday we had a rest day and for the remainder of our trip, we will be playing one game everyday... Our next game is against NICARAGUA and I can't wait!!! We will GO, we will FIGHT and hopefully, with the help of God, we will WIN!!! :-D Ta ta for now :-D
Monday, November 29, 2010
Hi everyone, so I found a way to update my blog! YEA!!! Hehe... Ok, we played our first game yesterday against the host country PANAMA and we put up a fight but were defeated... However, I strongly believe that my team will pull through to the end. We play our next game 2day against COSTA RICA at 5:30pm Panama time... That's 4:30pm in Belize... WISH US LUCK :-D... Good-bye for now my peeps...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Adios Belize
Ok, so like I said in my last post, this might be my last update until I return. We are going out there with all our efforts to represent our beautiful country BELIZE to the best of our ability. May God take us there safely, help us to remain healthy and strong and bring us back safely to our families. If it be His will, I know we will win and bring home a medal, we just need to put Him first because we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. Wish us luck my fellow Belizeans, we will try to make you all proud!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ok, which one do you want to hear first? the good or the bad? Well, I'll give you the bad first LOL... This might be my last update for a while. I know, that's sad because I always have something interesting to say huh? LOL... Anyway, the good news is, as you may or may not know, I'm leaving for PANAMA this Friday, November 26, 2010 and won't return until Sunday, December 3, 2010. The reason why is because I am going to represent our country in Volleyball. Therefore, this or Friday's update, may or may not be my last update until then as I'm not sure if I will have time to access the internet and update. However, if I do, I will be informing you all on how we are performing over in Panama. Look out for my update on Friday :-D
Monday, November 22, 2010
SICK :'(
I hate being sick! I don't know what's wrong with me but something is definately wrong. I mean come on, who has a cold for a month and change?! Not just a simple cold either, it is sometimes accompanied by sore throat or coughing. I was feeling better sometime in last week but this dratted rain came from nowhere and I got soaking wet! Last night I felt my throat hurting and just knew it was going to be sore in the morning. I just hope I get better soon.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy Garifuna Settlement Day
In light of Garifuna Settlement Day and the fact that I am a Garinagu, I've decided to share a couple things from the Garinagu culture as well as some Garifuna words and phrases with you. Please note that I may not have it spelt correctly as I just hear my mom saying it and sound out the spelling. Feel free to add more if you know any :-D
Chumba, Charikanari, Wanaragua/Johncanoe, Punta, Piamanadi, Warini, Sanbei, Gunjei, Hungu Hungu, Paranda.
Hudutu, Tikini, Dunouti, Bundiga, Tapou, Darasa, Harabada, Dani, Bimekakule
Lalis, Sahou, Gurentu, Letu, Pulali, Gungude, Pinule
English Garifuna
What is your name? Cabiri
My name is Jane Jane Niribei
How are you? Idabiangi
I am alright OdigiatWhat happen? Cateisa
What's wrong? Casameigibei
Where are you going? Haliungbadib
Water Agua/Duna
Go bathe Beiba Agua
Please for some water BusetnadunaGo the the bathroom Beiba Amuge
Go to sleep Beiba Umuga
I love you Hisetubunu
I do not like this Micieti le nu
My daughter Nisani
My sister NeituMy mother Nuguchu
Thanks Tenki
Thank you Seremei
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ramen Noodles
I guess you all have already figured out that I'm all out of topics for my blog from the time you saw today's topic. Just a while ago I was eating some noodle and I remember when I was little, it was my delicacy. My favorite flavor was shrimp. The following was a typical day everyday for me:
Mamz: Shantell da weh you want eat?
Me: Noodles mammy
Mamz: Shantell da weh you want eat?
Me: Noodles mammy
Mamz: Shantell da weh you want eat? And nuh tell me noodles!
Me: Ma but da dat ah want
Mamz: You so fava noodles! I wa stop buy it caz dat nuh give you no kinda nutrients! Dat da lone flour and wata!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Let's try something different for a change. I'll open with some quotes:
- Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
- Music is the medicine of the mind. ~John A. Logan
- Without music life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
- Music is the poetry of the air. ~Richter
- If music be the food of love, then play on. ~William Shakespeare
- Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence. ~Robert Fripp
- Where words fail, music speaks. ~Hans Andersen
Friday, November 12, 2010
Social Networking
I was looking for an interesting blog topic and stumbled upon social networking. I think it is an advantage in the sense that it keeps you connected with friends and relatives near and far. However, it also has its disadvantage to me being the fact that it decreases face-to-face interactions. A typical example is where you have children in the same house but different rooms chatting to each other on their laptops, PCs or even itouch. So, this brings us to my question: What, in your opinion, is the advantage(s) and/or disadvantage(s) of social networking?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I remember back in high school there was a thing called "detention" which was suppose to be some form of punishment for wrong done and should make the child learn from their mistake and not do it again. However, I also remember the anger I felt when I had to serve detention. I spoke to some other people as well and ask, "How do you feel when you are given detention?" and most of them answered that it made them want to do more especially when they know they were not wrong. So, my question to you then, is: Does detention really serve a purpose? Why or why not?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hey ya'll, I was thinking and realize that there are many types of personalities and interests. Many of us have encountered some and yet have many more to encounter. My question is, "Who is the most interesting person you have ever met and why?" If you haven't met anyone interesting, "Who do you wish to meet and why?"
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hey guys, let's think back in time for this one. Who was your favorite superhero when you where younger and why? If you didn't have one or can't remember, think of one and say why you like them. I like Cat Woman because she had two personalities: she walks a thin line between criminal and hero. She is a shy woman, endowed with the speed, reflexes, and senses of a cat. Your turn :-D
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Violence on television
Does violence on television play a major role in the behaviour/development of a child? In my opinion, it does because children are like sponges. They take in everything they see and later on they will eventually do it. It's somewhat like a "Monkey see monkey do" type of thing. If a child constantly watches violent movies, you will notice that the child will become more aggressive. Anyway, enough of my blabbering, what is your opinion?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hey! For discussion purposes, today's topic is about inventions. What, in your opinion, was the most convenient invention? What about the weirdest? Useless? Smartest? Funniest? Let's here it from you :-D
Friday, October 29, 2010
In light of HALLOWEEN, I've changed the mood a bit and decided to post a poem I wrote. What do you think? Do you like? Be honest, I won't get mad lol
It is here,
The day many little children fear
When all the dead creatures
Are represented with strange features.
It may be a simple bat flying overhead
Or even a mummy wrapped in its bed.
The fact remains, they cause great fright,
To children when they sleep at night.
Some of these creatures include:
If I may not be too rude-
Goblins who swap human babies with their own
The reason why is currently unknown.
Witches were known to posses magical powers
And gargoyles were stone monsters on towers.
People who regained life were called zombies
And demons were known to take over bodies.
This leaves me with only one question,
Did these creatures really exist?
Or were they just pigments of our imagination?
Some people would insist,
It's just plain superstition.
By: Shantell Arnold
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Today was back to school after Hurricane Richard and even though I didn't want to get up and come, I must say we should be more grateful. Not only for the fact that we are alive and that we were not greatly affected, but most importantly for the fact that we still have a learning facility! Look at it, things could have been far worse my friends, so let us move on and enoy what we have.
Monday, October 25, 2010
They say it is a virtue but after this weekend, I've come to realize that I do not posses that virtue. I say this because I was listening to my radio and some of the people who called in, I just wanted to knock them out!!! NEMO gave advisory to leave your homes and go to a shelter if you know your house isn't strong enough to withstand the hurricane, yet during the storm, there were people calling in for someone to go help them!!! Mr. Rene Villanueva and Ms. Carmen Arana has alot of patience!!! How in the mixes would they know how long the storm will last? Plus, we are in the midst of the hurricane season and people don't have at least one battery powered radio?! Then they will call in with attitude complaining that they know nothing and they don't have radio so they want a summary of what is going on... Whose fault is that?! I tell you... I hope those who stayed at home sees this as a wake up call... Anyways, I would like to thank the Lord for sparing all our lives and may He guide us throughout the rest of the hurricane season. He is truley an amazing God. He did his part, now let us do ours and help to restore the damages done...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
RICHARD heading straight to Belize
With the current threat of Tropical Storm Richard heading straight to our country and possibly forming into a hurricane by late Sunday, how do you feel? I personally am not too worried because I have faith that the Lord will spare us. Even if it hits, I know God will keep us safe. However, if anyone is to be taken away by this hurricane, it should be all the criminals that are turning our once peaceful country into a living hell! What is your take on this situation?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
So we all know that technology has become a major part of our daily lives. I think it is an advantage in the sense that it makes life a whole lot easier. However, it also encourages laziness. I'm not only talking about computers, I'm talking about all sorts of technological devices - microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, etc. I know it benefits us all but what did we do before all these came about? And what will we do if they just magically disappear? I stand on the part that it's an advantage but I think that we should still know how to go about our daily lives without using them just in case technology fails (likely to happen).
Is it and advantage or disadvantage? Let me hear from you...
Is it and advantage or disadvantage? Let me hear from you...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Senseless murder of Raylene Dyer
First it was Neisa, now Raylene. The only difference is that Raylene was killed for her own child! Those murderers don't have a heart! THREE MONTH OLD baby left without a mother?! What is up with the people of this country? Young and vibrant teenageres are being killed for no apparent reason! Doesn't that scare you? My fellow Pallottines, we've lost yet another sister, let us pray that we don't lose another. All you teenagers out ther, especially females, we need to be very careful with the people we trust and associate with and we need to try our best to avoid "sticky" situations. It's a pity that her life had to end so soon. R.I.P Raylene, you will be sadly missed chica...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ok, I know alot of you all either hate school or is madly in love with it. What do you all think of school, no matter what school you go...
Ok people, I know most of you already know about the controversy on Duets this season. What is you view and opinion on the way this season turned out? I personally stopped watching it after a while because it seem quite unfair but I want to know from you all...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What's New?
Today I created this blog for my IT class, hope it goes well because I don't have a proper mind lol... I tend to forget stuff and for those who know me, you will know what I'm talking about... I am suppose to post somthing at least 3 times for the week and I should be able to get comments from what I post so I need your help my friends :-D
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